Lifelong Lay Formation
The Office of Lifelong Lay Formation strengthens and enriches faith through the lifespan of Catholics. It’s through our services and programs that we aim to nurture those who make up our diocesan church and help them grow in their relationships with each other and Jesus Christ.
Catechesis Formation Kick-Off
In August 2023 we hosted the formation leaders of the diocese—directors of religious education, adult faith formation, and youth ministers—for an annual gathering. The day included Mass, panels discussions, and guest speakers. We are so grateful for the talented parish staff who attended, who bring God's word to all. We're excited to begin another year of deepened faith formation! -
Inicio de la Formación de Catequesis
En agosto de 2023 recibimos a los líderes de formación de la diócesis (directores de educación religiosa, formación de fe de adultos y ministros jóvenes) para una reunión anual. El día incluyó misa, paneles de discusión y oradores invitados. Estamos muy agradecidos por el talentoso personal parroquial que asistió, quienes llevan la palabra de Dios a todos. ¡Estamos emocionados de comenzar otro año de formación más profunda en la fe!
Parents have the unique responsibility for the education of their children; they are the first educators or catechists. They teach by their witness of the faith, through their values and attitudes, by their Christian example of love for Christ and his church. When children are baptized, parents accept the responsibility to raise their children in the practice of the faith...
National Directory for Catechesis 234-235
Faith formation often begins at home, and the Office of Lifelong Lay Formation strongly believes open communication and connecting with your children spiritually will encourage them to grow in their relationship with Christ.
The following resources are helpful in creating a faith-filled environment for children.
- Praying as Family
- Rights and Duties of Parents
- How to Take Young Children to Mass
- Messy Family Project
For more information on the holy sacraments
Books and Media for Catholic Families
- Catholic Family Fun: A Guide for the Adventurous, Overwhelmed, Creative or Clueless
- The Catholic Home: Celebrations and Traditions for Holidays, Feast Days and Every Day
- Catholic Traditions in the Home and Classroom: 365 Days to Celebrate a Catholic Year
- The Catholic All Year Compendium: Liturgical Living for Real Life