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Each of us has a vocation, a call from God to “go and bear fruit that will remain.” The Father desires that all people come to know Him, love Him, and serve Him in this life and be with Him for all of eternity. There are unique ways that each of us is called to live out the love of God in our lives. These include marriage, priesthood, consecrated life, religious life, and the diaconate. While most men and women are called to make know God’s love in the world through holy matrimony, there are a number of us whom the Lord calls to Himself in a special way to witness to His Infinite love in the world by living a celibate life for the sake of the Kingdom.

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Vocations and Diaconate [Accordion]

Greetings from the Diocese of Joliet Vocations Office. We are grateful that you are here seeking to follow after the Lord’s promptings in your life.

Reverend Steven Borello
Director of Vocations
Phone: (815) 221-6171
[email protected]

Reverend Andrew Buchanan
Vocations Lead
[email protected]

For general questions or inquiries, please contact the Office of the Diaconate at (815) 221-6174 or [email protected]

Deacon Dominic Cerrato
Director of the Office of the Diaconate
Phone: (815) 221-6136
[email protected]

Deacon Victor Puscas
Director of Formation
Phone: (815) 221-6174
[email protected]

Greetings from the Diocese of Joliet Vocations Office. We are grateful that you are here seeking to follow after the Lord’s promptings in your life.

Sr. Joyce Shanabarger
Delegate for Religious
Phone: (815) 221-6173
[email protected]

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